8 Simple Steps to Write a Book Despite Procrastination

8 Simple Steps to Write a Book Despite Procrastination

Who would write so much now? How much time would it take to complete it? Why do I have to schedule everything? These are the questions that might be sticking around your head whenever you are planning to write a book. Is that so?

It is undeniable that writing a book is a challenging task, but if you plan it intelligently, you might complete it in good time. The process of writing and publishing a book requires an intelligent mind that can smartly plan things.

However, we understand you may not have the identical zeal to write every day, but once you start with a proper plan, you can complete it despite the procrastination. The book writing services is known for producing heavy-loaded books because of its intelligent strategies. However, if we follow the steps mentioned below, the challenge might become a win-win situation.

Reasons that procrastinate you while writing a book

Did you ever wonder what is leading you to the delay in writing your very own book? Reading the following reasons might be one that you are experiencing.

When and where to start

It is common to feel a little puzzled when you are initiating the writing of your book. Every writer experiences that to some extent. Hence, you are not the only one with this emotion.

Low on motivation

Sometimes you are not in a mood to write, and that is entirely alright. It might occur when you aren’t motivated enough to start writing a book.

Feeling unsure about writing

It is common to feel that you might have loopholes before starting with the story. Be it a fiction book or nonfiction, a feeling of uncertainty might be the reason for delaying the book writing.

Fear of the unknown

Most authors are afraid of the negative reviews they might get after publishing the book. It is better not to think negatively and have confidence in your work. Because when you are confident, everything ultimately falls in place.

Worrying about hitting the sales

Writing is the initial step, and then comes the publishing part. You have numerous options to market your book in the book world. Hence, worrying about hitting the sales is not an issue that you should be considered initially.

Overwhelmed with ideas

A writer is often bombarded with tons of ideas that make it hard to start with their books. It is essential to do perfect planning and then take a gradual start.

Simple steps to write a book considering the factors above

It is better to take a deep breath and sip a latte. It’s okay to feel lazy at times but remember that you cannot be a successful writer if you do not work on the loopholes. Hence, the below-mentioned steps will help you avoid procrastinating and get back in the game.

  • Step 1: Plan and think ahead

It is essential to plan your book first. A good author always works on the research and planning part. It helps them understand how to commence with their writing. According to some experts, it is essential to work on mind mapping to know when and where to start writing.

Comprehensive research helps you understand what should be in the market and what might interest your target readers.

  • Step 2: Ask yourself relevant questions

As a book writer, you should be asking yourself some questions. You should firstly be able to identify the “WHY” for writing a book. Hence, when you open your laptop, it is essential to start visualizing everything. Ask yourself about the reasons for writing a book. However, having inspiring book ideas is not enough. Before initiating the actual work, have a practical approach towards the reasons for publishing.

  • Step 3: Start motivating yourself from within

It is imperative to persuade yourself to keep the demons away and start writing. It is often you who is going to pick yourself up when you fall. Hence, it is essential to start thinking positively and then get going with the book writing. Everything falls into place with a positive mindset and solid motivation at your end. And trust us, it starts from within!

  • Step 4: Don’t make an excuse, just Act

You cannot make excuses for a more extended period! Hence, you as an author should know when is the right time to start. However, as a writer you should not have reasons to start tomorrow. Start the moment you get great ideas in mind. You have ample time for proofreading and editing, so don’t limit yourself to the surroundings.

  • Step 5: Accept your flaws and work on them

A good writer is ever-ready to accept the flaws in himself. When you are ready to see the actual problems, you ultimately start fixing them. Obviously, nobody is perfect, and perfection only comes if you work on the issues. However, it is essential to accept the problems in your writing and then get along with writing.

  • Step 6: Scheduling is a better idea

Do you personally follow an author? If you do, then you must be familiar with their daily routines on their social media pages. Good authors are always making time to write their next best-sellers. They always schedule their daily tasks and then enjoy the rest of the day. It is essential as a writer to make a schedule first. However, it would be best if you first took some time out and then managed it accordingly. The priority should be completing a specific word count.

Moreover, it is essential to develop a writing habit first. Do not let your book turn into a graveyard of dreams, work for the goals by taking actionable steps. Hence, make sure you plan a schedule for the next thirty days to get better results.

  • Step 7: Find a happy place to write

Writers need a calm place to jot down their thoughts. It would be best if you find a perfect place to commence writing. It can either be a park or a bench near the lake. Depending on your preferences. However, it should be an outdoor space where you get fresh air for fresh ideas.

  • Step 8: De-stress and finally write

Finally, it is essential to take away all the stress you are experiencing. Just flush out the toxins and breath in some fresh air to write a perfect book right away. It is always better not to worry about little things. Hence, before getting started, work on killing the stress and fueling yourself up with cheerful notions. All the best!